FERNLEAF BLEEDING HEART (Dicentra) - 'King of Hearts' is one of the most heat-tolerant fernleaf cultivars that blooms pink. They will perform best in moist soil and shade. If they are to get to dry they will go dormant. To help the fernleaf bleeding heart continue to bloom, remove stems as the spent flowers fade. Snip the entire stem off , even with the foliage with a pair of scissors. This only needs to be done every couple of weeks.

Geranium - 'Rozanne' will bloom violet-blue with white centers until fall and is heat tolerant. If the plant becomesragged looking, cut all the stems back to 3" and it will quickly regrow and start blooming again in a few weeks. 'Rozanne' is perfect for the landscaping as well as in containers.

Spiderwort (Tradescantia) - Each bloom only last one day but the plant is loaded with clusters of blooms on each stalk. Once the cluster is finished blooming, cut if off to prolong th season of bloom. Spiderwort will reseed itself so by cutting back the spent blooms it wil alsol help prevent it from coming up in spots you don't want it.

Poppy Mallow - Poppy Mallow blooms magenta to wine red. It loves the heat and will tolerate dry soil once established. Poppy mallow is not aggressive but it will reseed.

Pincushiion flower (Scabiosa) - Keep pincushion flower deadheaded to ensure reblooming. When deadheading, trim the stems back into the mound of foliage if possible. When planting, don't be afraid to crowd the plants.  This will allow the flowers to show best when planted in several close plantings.


Blanket Flower (Gaillardia) - Blanket flower comes in yellow, orange, red and bicolors.  It blooms early summer to midfall with deadheading.  Deadheading is not necessary but will help extend the bloom time.  It is heat tolerant and a long bloomer that is perfect for the first time gardener as well as a veteran gardener. 

Red Hot Poker (Kniphofia) - Red hot poker is available in red, orange, yellow, green, and bi colors.  It's unique flower shape creates an awesome focal point, weather it's planted alone or in groups.  It's bloom time ranges from 10-12 weeks in the summer.  It likes it hot and dry and even tolerates drought conditions.  It does not however tolerate wet feet.  In zones 5 and 6 it is suggested to tie up the foliage over the crown of the plant in the fall to keep water from freezing at the base.

Catmint (Nepeta) - You will find blue or white blooms late spring to early fall on this perennial.  Catmint is a fragrant plant that is best planted in our area in sunny spots with well-drained soil.

Coreopsis - Yellow blooms sit atop this pest-resitant foliage.  Plant in moist, well-drained soil, in full sun.  After the first year your coreopsis will be covered with flowers.  As flowers die off, snip them back to keep the plant nice and neat. Some coreopsis will require deadheading in order to rebloom.